diumenge, 10 de març del 2019

Antoni Gaudí Cornet

Antoni Gaudí Cornet (1852-1926) was born in the region of el Baix Camp. Born into a family of boilermakers, he spent his childhood in Tarragona and later moved to Barcelona to study architecture.
Broadly speaking, we can distinguish two phases in Gaudi’s work.

In the earlier phase, in which he was inspired by Oriental art and the neo-Gothic, a desire to break with formal established codes was already becoming obvious. This urge to renew would culminate in Güell Palace, a work in which Gaudí introduced most of the elements that would form the basis of his subsequent repertoire.

The later, the mature phase of his work coincides with the dawn o Art Nouveau in Catalonia. It represents the final superseding of any reference to historicist styles and the achievement of modeling and structural forms of his own, that is, what would later be known as Gaudinian aesthetics.
In his own personal  style, Gaudí created works of remarkable symbolism and spirituality.

Gaudí died at the age of 74, in Barcelona as a result of injuries sustained when he was run over by a  tram.

dimarts, 15 de gener del 2019

Josep Maria Jujol

Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert (1879-1949) was a modernism architect. He worked with Antoni Gaudí on many of his works like Casa Batlló, Casa Milà and the Park Güell. 

He also developed an important architecture career. Their works more importants are: Patronat Obrer Theatre (Tarragona, 1908); Casa Mañac (Barcelona, 1911); Torre de la Creu (Sant Joan Despí, 1913-1916); Casa Ximenis (Tarragona, 1914); Casa Bofarull (Els Pallaresos, 1914-1931); Can Negre (Sant Joan Despí, 1915-1926); Vistabella Church (La Secuita, 1918-1924): Torre Serra-Xaus (Sant Joan Despí, 1921-1927); Casa Planells (Barcelona, 1923-1924): Torre Rovira (Sant Joan Despí, 1926); Fountain of the  Spain Square (Barcelona, 1927); Casa Camprubí (Cornellà, 1928); Torre Jujol (Sant Joan Despí, 1932).